
If you just want to move the location of the cursor before writing text, and aren’t worried about returning, do something like this:

>>> print(term.home + term.clear)
>>> print(term.down(2) + term.move_right(20) + term.bright_red('fire!'))
>>> print(term.move_xy(20, 7) + term.bold('Direct hit!'))
>>> print(term.move_y(term.height - 3))

There are four direct movement capabilities:

move_xy(x, y)
Position cursor at given x, y.
Position cursor at column x.
Position cursor at row y.
Position cursor at (0, 0).

And four relative capabilities:

move_up or move_up(y)
Position cursor 1 or y row cells above the current position.

Position cursor 1 or y row cells below the current position.


move_down or is often valued as \n, which additionally returns the carriage to
column 0, and, depending on your terminal emulator, may also destroy any characters to end of line.

move_down(1) is always a safe non-destructive one-notch movement in the downward direction.

move_left or move_left(x)
Position cursor 1 or x column cells left of the current position.
move_right or move_right(x)
Position cursor 1 or x column cells right of the current position.


The source code of bounce.py combines a small bit of Keyboard input with many of the Terminal location capabilities, home, width, height, and move_xy are used to create a classic game of tennis:

# std imports
from math import floor

# local
from blessed import Terminal

def roundxy(x, y):
    return int(floor(x)), int(floor(y))

term = Terminal()

x, y, xs, ys = 2, 2, 0.4, 0.3
with term.cbreak(), term.hidden_cursor():
    # clear the screen
    print(term.home + term.black_on_olivedrab4 + term.clear)

    # loop every 20ms
    while term.inkey(timeout=0.02) != 'q':
        # erase,
        txt_erase = term.move_xy(*roundxy(x, y)) + ' '

        # bounce,
        if x >= (term.width - 1) or x <= 0:
            xs *= -1
        if y >= term.height or y <= 0:
            ys *= -1

        # move,
        x, y = x + xs, y + ys

        # draw !
        txt_ball = term.move_xy(*roundxy(x, y)) + '█'
        print(txt_erase + txt_ball, end='', flush=True)
Animated screenshot of :ref:`bounce.py`

Context Manager

A contextlib.contextmanager(), location() is provided to move the cursor to an (x, y) screen position and restore the previous position on exit:

with term.location(0, term.height - 1):
    print('Here is the bottom.')

print('This is back where I came from.')

All parameters to location() are optional, we can use it without any arguments at all to restore the cursor location:

with term.location():
    print(term.move_xy(1, 1) + 'Hi Mom!' + term.clear_eol)


calls to location() may not be nested.

Finding The Cursor

We can determine the cursor’s current position at anytime using get_location().

This uses a kind of “answer back” sequence that your terminal emulator responds to. Because the terminal may not respond, or may take some time to respond, the timeout keyword argument can be specified to return coordinates (-1, -1) after a blocking timeout:

>>> term.get_location(timeout=5)
(32, 0)

The return value of get_location() mirrors the arguments of location():

with term.location(12, 12):
     val = term.get_location()

Produces output, (12, 12)

Although this wouldn’t be suggested in most applications because of its latency, it certainly simplifies many applications, and, can also be timed, to make a determination of the round-trip time, perhaps even the bandwidth constraints, of a remote terminal!