Source code for blessed.terminal

# encoding: utf-8
"""Module containing :class:`Terminal`, the primary API entry point."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
#         Too many lines in module (1027/1000)
import codecs
import collections
import contextlib
import functools
import io
import locale
import os
import platform
import select
import struct
import sys
import time
import warnings
import re

except NameError:
    # alias py2 exception to py3
    # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    InterruptedError = select.error

    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    # python 2.6 requires 3rd party library (backport)
    # pylint: disable=import-error
    #         Unable to import 'ordereddict'
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict

# local imports
from .formatters import (ParameterizingString,

from ._capabilities import (

from .sequences import (SequenceTextWrapper,

from .keyboard import (get_keyboard_sequences,

if platform.system() == 'Windows':
    import jinxed as curses  # pylint: disable=import-error
    HAS_TTY = True
    import curses

        import termios
        import fcntl
        import tty
        HAS_TTY = True
    except ImportError:
        _TTY_METHODS = ('setraw', 'cbreak', 'kbhit', 'height', 'width')
        _MSG_NOSUPPORT = (
            "One or more of the modules: 'termios', 'fcntl', and 'tty' "
            "are not found on your platform '{0}'. The following methods "
            "of Terminal are dummy/no-op unless a deriving class overrides "
            "them: {1}".format(sys.platform.lower(), ', '.join(_TTY_METHODS)))
        HAS_TTY = False

_CUR_TERM = None  # See comments at end of file

[docs]class Terminal(object): """ An abstraction for color, style, positioning, and input in the terminal. This keeps the endless calls to ``tigetstr()`` and ``tparm()`` out of your code, acts intelligently when somebody pipes your output to a non-terminal, and abstracts over the complexity of unbuffered keyboard input. It uses the terminfo database to remain portable across terminal types. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods # Too many public methods (28/20) # Too many instance attributes (12/7) #: Sugary names for commonly-used capabilities _sugar = dict( save='sc', restore='rc', # 'clear' clears the whole screen. clear_eol='el', clear_bol='el1', clear_eos='ed', position='cup', # deprecated enter_fullscreen='smcup', exit_fullscreen='rmcup', move='cup', move_x='hpa', move_y='vpa', move_left='cub1', move_right='cuf1', move_up='cuu1', move_down='cud1', hide_cursor='civis', normal_cursor='cnorm', reset_colors='op', # oc doesn't work on my OS X terminal. normal='sgr0', reverse='rev', italic='sitm', no_italic='ritm', shadow='sshm', no_shadow='rshm', standout='smso', no_standout='rmso', subscript='ssubm', no_subscript='rsubm', superscript='ssupm', no_superscript='rsupm', underline='smul', no_underline='rmul', cursor_report='u6', cursor_request='u7', terminal_answerback='u8', terminal_enquire='u9', ) def __init__(self, kind=None, stream=None, force_styling=False): """ Initialize the terminal. :arg str kind: A terminal string as taken by :func:`curses.setupterm`. Defaults to the value of the ``TERM`` environment variable. .. note:: Terminals withing a single process must share a common ``kind``. See :obj:`_CUR_TERM`. :arg file stream: A file-like object representing the Terminal output. Defaults to the original value of :obj:`sys.__stdout__`, like :func:`curses.initscr` does. If ``stream`` is not a tty, empty Unicode strings are returned for all capability values, so things like piping your program output to a pipe or file does not emit terminal sequences. :arg bool force_styling: Whether to force the emission of capabilities even if :obj:`sys.__stdout__` does not seem to be connected to a terminal. If you want to force styling to not happen, use ``force_styling=None``. This comes in handy if users are trying to pipe your output through something like ``less -r`` or build systems which support decoding of terminal sequences. """ # pylint: disable=global-statement,too-many-branches global _CUR_TERM self._keyboard_fd = None # Default stream is stdout, keyboard valid as stdin only when # output stream is stdout or stderr and is a tty. if stream is None: stream = sys.__stdout__ if stream in (sys.__stdout__, sys.__stderr__): self._keyboard_fd = sys.__stdin__.fileno() # we assume our input stream to be line-buffered until either the # cbreak of raw context manager methods are entered with an # attached tty. self._line_buffered = True try: stream_fd = (stream.fileno() if hasattr(stream, 'fileno') and callable(stream.fileno) else None) except io.UnsupportedOperation: stream_fd = None self._stream = stream self._is_a_tty = stream_fd is not None and os.isatty(stream_fd) self._does_styling = ((self.is_a_tty or force_styling) and force_styling is not None) # _keyboard_fd only non-None if both stdin and stdout is a tty. self._keyboard_fd = (self._keyboard_fd if self._keyboard_fd is not None and self.is_a_tty and os.isatty(self._keyboard_fd) else None) self._normal = None # cache normal attr, preventing recursive lookups # The descriptor to direct terminal initialization sequences to. self._init_descriptor = (sys.__stdout__.fileno() if stream_fd is None else stream_fd) if platform.system() == 'Windows': self._kind = kind or curses.get_term(self._init_descriptor) else: self._kind = kind or os.environ.get('TERM', 'unknown') if self.does_styling: # Initialize curses (call setupterm). # # Make things like tigetstr() work. Explicit args make setupterm() # work even when -s is passed to nosetests. Lean toward sending # init sequences to the stream if it has a file descriptor, and # send them to stdout as a fallback, since they have to go # somewhere. try: curses.setupterm(self._kind, self._init_descriptor) except curses.error as err: warnings.warn('Failed to setupterm(kind={0!r}): {1}' .format(self._kind, err)) self._kind = None self._does_styling = False else: if _CUR_TERM is None or self._kind == _CUR_TERM: _CUR_TERM = self._kind else: warnings.warn( 'A terminal of kind "%s" has been requested; due to an' ' internal python curses bug, terminal capabilities' ' for a terminal of kind "%s" will continue to be' ' returned for the remainder of this process.' % ( self._kind, _CUR_TERM,)) # initialize capabilities and terminal keycodes database self.__init__capabilities() self.__init__keycodes() def __init__capabilities(self): # important that we lay these in their ordered direction, so that our # preferred, 'color' over 'set_a_attributes1', for example. self.caps = OrderedDict() # some static injected patterns, esp. without named attribute access. for name, (attribute, pattern) in CAPABILITIES_ADDITIVES.items(): self.caps[name] = Termcap(name, pattern, attribute) for name, (attribute, kwds) in CAPABILITY_DATABASE.items(): if self.does_styling: # attempt dynamic lookup cap = getattr(self, attribute) if cap: self.caps[name] = name, cap, attribute, **kwds) continue # fall-back pattern = CAPABILITIES_RAW_MIXIN.get(name) if pattern: self.caps[name] = Termcap(name, pattern, attribute) # make a compiled named regular expression table self.caps_compiled = re.compile( '|'.join(cap.pattern for name, cap in self.caps.items())) # for tokenizer, the '.lastgroup' is the primary lookup key for # 'self.caps', unless 'MISMATCH'; then it is an unmatched character. self._caps_compiled_any = re.compile('|'.join( cap.named_pattern for name, cap in self.caps.items() ) + '|(?P<MISMATCH>.)') self._caps_unnamed_any = re.compile('|'.join( '({0})'.format(cap.pattern) for name, cap in self.caps.items() ) + '|(.)') def __init__keycodes(self): # Initialize keyboard data determined by capability. # Build database of int code <=> KEY_NAME. self._keycodes = get_keyboard_codes() # Store attributes as: self.KEY_NAME = code. for key_code, key_name in self._keycodes.items(): setattr(self, key_name, key_code) # Build database of sequence <=> KEY_NAME. self._keymap = get_keyboard_sequences(self) # build set of prefixes of sequences self._keymap_prefixes = get_leading_prefixes(self._keymap) # keyboard stream buffer self._keyboard_buf = collections.deque() if self._keyboard_fd is not None: # set input encoding and initialize incremental decoder locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') self._encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() or 'ascii' try: self._keyboard_decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder( self._encoding)() except LookupError as err: # encoding is illegal or unsupported, use 'ascii' warnings.warn('LookupError: {0}, fallback to ASCII for ' 'keyboard.'.format(err)) self._encoding = 'ascii' self._keyboard_decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder( self._encoding)()
[docs] def __getattr__(self, attr): r""" Return a terminal capability as Unicode string. For example, ``term.bold`` is a unicode string that may be prepended to text to set the video attribute for bold, which should also be terminated with the pairing :attr:`normal`. This capability returns a callable, so you can use ``term.bold("hi")`` which results in the joining of ``(term.bold, "hi", term.normal)``. Compound formatters may also be used. For example:: >>> term.bold_blink_red_on_green("merry x-mas!") For a parametrized capability such as ``move`` (or ``cup``), pass the parameters as positional arguments:: >>> term.move(line, column) See the manual page `terminfo(5) <>`_ for a complete list of capabilities and their arguments. """ if not self.does_styling: return NullCallableString() val = resolve_attribute(self, attr) # Cache capability resolution: note this will prevent this # __getattr__ method for being called again. That's the idea! setattr(self, attr, val) return val
@property def kind(self): """ Read-only property: Terminal kind determined on class initialization. :rtype: str """ return self._kind @property def does_styling(self): """ Read-only property: Whether this class instance may emit sequences. :rtype: bool """ return self._does_styling @property def is_a_tty(self): """ Read-only property: Whether :attr:`` is a terminal. :rtype: bool """ return self._is_a_tty @property def height(self): """ Read-only property: Height of the terminal (in number of lines). :rtype: int """ return self._height_and_width().ws_row @property def width(self): """ Read-only property: Width of the terminal (in number of columns). :rtype: int """ return self._height_and_width().ws_col @staticmethod def _winsize(fd): """ Return named tuple describing size of the terminal by ``fd``. If the given platform does not have modules :mod:`termios`, :mod:`fcntl`, or :mod:`tty`, window size of 80 columns by 25 rows is always returned. :arg int fd: file descriptor queries for its window size. :raises IOError: the file descriptor ``fd`` is not a terminal. :rtype: WINSZ WINSZ is a :class:`collections.namedtuple` instance, whose structure directly maps to the return value of the :const:`termios.TIOCGWINSZ` ioctl return value. The return parameters are: - ``ws_row``: width of terminal by its number of character cells. - ``ws_col``: height of terminal by its number of character cells. - ``ws_xpixel``: width of terminal by pixels (not accurate). - ``ws_ypixel``: height of terminal by pixels (not accurate). """ if HAS_TTY: data = fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, WINSZ._BUF) return WINSZ(*struct.unpack(WINSZ._FMT, data)) return WINSZ(ws_row=25, ws_col=80, ws_xpixel=0, ws_ypixel=0) def _height_and_width(self): """ Return a tuple of (terminal height, terminal width). If :attr:`stream` or :obj:`sys.__stdout__` is not a tty or does not support :func:`fcntl.ioctl` of :const:`termios.TIOCGWINSZ`, a window size of 80 columns by 25 rows is returned for any values not represented by environment variables ``LINES`` and ``COLUMNS``, which is the default text mode of IBM PC compatibles. :rtype: WINSZ WINSZ is a :class:`collections.namedtuple` instance, whose structure directly maps to the return value of the :const:`termios.TIOCGWINSZ` ioctl return value. The return parameters are: - ``ws_row``: width of terminal by its number of character cells. - ``ws_col``: height of terminal by its number of character cells. - ``ws_xpixel``: width of terminal by pixels (not accurate). - ``ws_ypixel``: height of terminal by pixels (not accurate). """ for fd in (self._init_descriptor, sys.__stdout__): try: if fd is not None: return self._winsize(fd) except (IOError, OSError, ValueError): pass return WINSZ(ws_row=int(os.getenv('LINES', '25')), ws_col=int(os.getenv('COLUMNS', '80')), ws_xpixel=None, ws_ypixel=None)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def location(self, x=None, y=None): """ Context manager for temporarily moving the cursor. Move the cursor to a certain position on entry, let you print stuff there, then return the cursor to its original position:: term = Terminal() with term.location(2, 5): for x in xrange(10): print('I can do it %i times!' % x) print('We're back to the original location.') Specify ``x`` to move to a certain column, ``y`` to move to a certain row, both, or neither. If you specify neither, only the saving and restoration of cursor position will happen. This can be useful if you simply want to restore your place after doing some manual cursor movement. .. note:: The store- and restore-cursor capabilities used internally provide no stack. This means that :meth:`location` calls cannot be nested: only one should be entered at a time. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name # Invalid argument name "x" # Save position and move to the requested column, row, or both: if x is not None and y is not None:, x)) elif x is not None: elif y is not None: try: yield finally: # Restore original cursor position:
[docs] def get_location(self, timeout=None): r""" Return tuple (row, column) of cursor position. :arg float timeout: Return after time elapsed in seconds with value ``(-1, -1)`` indicating that the remote end did not respond. :rtype: tuple :returns: cursor position as tuple in form of (row, column). The location of the cursor is determined by emitting the ``u7`` terminal capability, or VT100 `Query Cursor Position <>`_ when such capability is undefined, which elicits a response from a reply string described by capability ``u6``, or again VT100's definition of ``\x1b[%i%d;%dR`` when undefined. The ``(row, col)`` return value matches the parameter order of the ``move`` capability, so that the following sequence should cause the cursor to not move at all:: >>> term = Terminal() >>> term.move(*term.get_location())) .. warning:: You might first test that a terminal is capable of informing you of its location, while using a timeout, before later calling. When a timeout is specified, always ensure the return value is conditionally checked for ``(-1, -1)``. """ # Local lines attached by termios and remote login protocols such as # ssh and telnet both provide a means to determine the window # dimensions of a connected client, but **no means to determine the # location of the cursor**. # # from, # # > The System V Release 4 and XPG4 terminfo format defines ten string # > capabilities for use by applications, <u0>...<u9>. In this file, # > we use certain of these capabilities to describe functions which # > are not covered by terminfo. The mapping is as follows: # > # > u9 terminal enquire string (equiv. to ANSI/ECMA-48 DA) # > u8 terminal answerback description # > u7 cursor position request (equiv. to VT100/ANSI/ECMA-48 DSR 6) # > u6 cursor position report (equiv. to ANSI/ECMA-48 CPR) query_str = self.u7 or u'\x1b[6n' # determine response format as a regular expression response_re = self.caps['cursor_report'].re_compiled # Avoid changing user's desired raw or cbreak mode if already entered, # by entering cbreak mode ourselves. This is necessary to receive user # input without awaiting a human to press the return key. This mode # also disables echo, which we should also hide, as our input is an # sequence that is not meaningful for display as an output sequence. ctx = None try: if self._line_buffered: ctx = self.cbreak() ctx.__enter__() # emit the 'query cursor position' sequence, # expect a response, match, data = _read_until(term=self, pattern=response_re, timeout=timeout) # ensure response sequence is excluded from subsequent input, if match: data = (data[:match.start()] + data[match.end():]) # re-buffer keyboard data, if any self.ungetch(data) if match: # return matching sequence response, the cursor location. row, col = match.groups() return int(row), int(col) finally: if ctx is not None: ctx.__exit__(None, None, None) # We chose to return an illegal value rather than an exception, # favoring that users author function filters, such as max(0, y), # rather than crowbarring such logic into an exception handler. return -1, -1
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def fullscreen(self): """ Context manager that switches to secondary screen, restoring on exit. Under the hood, this switches between the primary screen buffer and the secondary one. The primary one is saved on entry and restored on exit. Likewise, the secondary contents are also stable and are faithfully restored on the next entry:: with term.fullscreen(): main() .. note:: There is only one primary and one secondary screen buffer. :meth:`fullscreen` calls cannot be nested, only one should be entered at a time. """ try: yield finally:
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def hidden_cursor(self): """ Context manager that hides the cursor, setting visibility on exit. with term.hidden_cursor(): main() .. note:: :meth:`hidden_cursor` calls cannot be nested: only one should be entered at a time. """ try: yield finally:
@property def color(self): """ A callable string that sets the foreground color. :arg int num: The foreground color index. This should be within the bounds of :attr:`~.number_of_colors`. :rtype: ParameterizingString The capability is unparameterized until called and passed a number, 0-15, at which point it returns another string which represents a specific color change. This second string can further be called to color a piece of text and set everything back to normal afterward. """ if not self.does_styling: return NullCallableString() return ParameterizingString(self._foreground_color, self.normal, 'color') @property def on_color(self): """ A callable capability that sets the background color. :arg int num: The background color index. :rtype: ParameterizingString """ if not self.does_styling: return NullCallableString() return ParameterizingString(self._background_color, self.normal, 'on_color') @property def normal(self): """ A capability that resets all video attributes. :rtype: str ``normal`` is an alias for ``sgr0`` or ``exit_attribute_mode``. Any styling attributes previously applied, such as foreground or background colors, reverse video, or bold are reset to defaults. """ if self._normal: return self._normal self._normal = resolve_capability(self, 'normal') return self._normal @property def stream(self): """ Read-only property: stream the terminal outputs to. This is a convenience attribute. It is used internally for implied writes performed by context managers :meth:`~.hidden_cursor`, :meth:`~.fullscreen`, :meth:`~.location`, and :meth:`~.keypad`. """ return self._stream @property def number_of_colors(self): """ Read-only property: number of colors supported by terminal. Common values are 0, 8, 16, 88, and 256. Most commonly, this may be used to test whether the terminal supports colors. Though the underlying capability returns -1 when there is no color support, we return 0. This lets you test more Pythonically:: if term.number_of_colors: ... """ # This is actually the only remotely useful numeric capability. We # don't name it after the underlying capability, because we deviate # slightly from its behavior, and we might someday wish to give direct # access to it. # trim value to 0, as tigetnum('colors') returns -1 if no support, # and -2 if no such capability. return max(0, self.does_styling and curses.tigetnum('colors') or -1) @property def _foreground_color(self): """ Convenience capability to support :attr:`~.on_color`. Prefers returning sequence for capability ``setaf``, "Set foreground color to #1, using ANSI escape". If the given terminal does not support such sequence, fallback to returning attribute ``setf``, "Set foreground color #1". """ return self.setaf or self.setf @property def _background_color(self): """ Convenience capability to support :attr:`~.on_color`. Prefers returning sequence for capability ``setab``, "Set background color to #1, using ANSI escape". If the given terminal does not support such sequence, fallback to returning attribute ``setb``, "Set background color #1". """ return self.setab or self.setb
[docs] def ljust(self, text, width=None, fillchar=u' '): """ Left-align ``text``, which may contain terminal sequences. :arg str text: String to be aligned :arg int width: Total width to fill with aligned text. If unspecified, the whole width of the terminal is filled. :arg str fillchar: String for padding the right of ``text`` :rtype: str """ # Left justification is different from left alignment, but we continue # the vocabulary error of the str method for polymorphism. if width is None: width = self.width return Sequence(text, self).ljust(width, fillchar)
[docs] def rjust(self, text, width=None, fillchar=u' '): """ Right-align ``text``, which may contain terminal sequences. :arg str text: String to be aligned :arg int width: Total width to fill with aligned text. If unspecified, the whole width of the terminal is used. :arg str fillchar: String for padding the left of ``text`` :rtype: str """ if width is None: width = self.width return Sequence(text, self).rjust(width, fillchar)
[docs] def center(self, text, width=None, fillchar=u' '): """ Center ``text``, which may contain terminal sequences. :arg str text: String to be centered :arg int width: Total width in which to center text. If unspecified, the whole width of the terminal is used. :arg str fillchar: String for padding the left and right of ``text`` :rtype: str """ if width is None: width = self.width return Sequence(text, self).center(width, fillchar)
[docs] def length(self, text): u""" Return printable length of a string containing sequences. :arg str text: String to measure. May contain terminal sequences. :rtype: int :returns: The number of terminal character cells the string will occupy when printed Wide characters that consume 2 character cells are supported: >>> term = Terminal() >>> term.length(term.clear +'コンニチハ')) 10 .. note:: Sequences such as 'clear', which is considered as a "movement sequence" because it would move the cursor to (y, x)(0, 0), are evaluated as a printable length of *0*. """ return Sequence(text, self).length()
[docs] def strip(self, text, chars=None): r""" Return ``text`` without sequences and leading or trailing whitespace. :rtype: str >>> term.strip(u' \x1b[0;3m xyz ') u'xyz' """ return Sequence(text, self).strip(chars)
[docs] def rstrip(self, text, chars=None): r""" Return ``text`` without terminal sequences or trailing whitespace. :rtype: str >>> term.rstrip(u' \x1b[0;3m xyz ') u' xyz' """ return Sequence(text, self).rstrip(chars)
[docs] def lstrip(self, text, chars=None): r""" Return ``text`` without terminal sequences or leading whitespace. :rtype: str >>> term.lstrip(u' \x1b[0;3m xyz ') u'xyz ' """ return Sequence(text, self).lstrip(chars)
[docs] def strip_seqs(self, text): r""" Return ``text`` stripped of only its terminal sequences. :rtype: str >>> term.strip_seqs(u'\x1b[0;3mxyz') u'xyz' >>> term.strip_seqs(term.cuf(5) +'test')) u' test' .. note:: Non-destructive sequences that adjust horizontal distance (such as ``\b`` or ``term.cuf(5)``) are replaced by destructive space or erasing. """ return Sequence(text, self).strip_seqs()
[docs] def split_seqs(self, text, **kwds): r""" Return ``text`` split by individual character elements and sequences. :arg kwds: remaining keyword arguments for :func:`re.split`. :rtype: list[str] >>> term.split_seqs(term.underline(u'xyz')) ['\x1b[4m', 'x', 'y', 'z', '\x1b(B', '\x1b[m'] """ pattern = self._caps_unnamed_any return list(filter(None, re.split(pattern, text, **kwds)))
[docs] def wrap(self, text, width=None, **kwargs): """ Text-wrap a string, returning a list of wrapped lines. :arg str text: Unlike :func:`textwrap.wrap`, ``text`` may contain terminal sequences, such as colors, bold, or underline. By default, tabs in ``text`` are expanded by :func:`string.expandtabs`. :arg int width: Unlike :func:`textwrap.wrap`, ``width`` will default to the width of the attached terminal. :rtype: list See :class:`textwrap.TextWrapper` for keyword arguments that can customize wrapping behaviour. """ width = self.width if width is None else width lines = [] for line in text.splitlines(): lines.extend( (_linewrap for _linewrap in SequenceTextWrapper( width=width, term=self, **kwargs).wrap(line)) if line.strip() else (u'',)) return lines
[docs] def getch(self): """ Read, decode, and return the next byte from the keyboard stream. :rtype: unicode :returns: a single unicode character, or ``u''`` if a multi-byte sequence has not yet been fully received. This method name and behavior mimics curses ``getch(void)``, and it supports :meth:`inkey`, reading only one byte from the keyboard string at a time. This method should always return without blocking if called after :meth:`kbhit` has returned True. Implementors of alternate input stream methods should override this method. """ assert self._keyboard_fd is not None byte =, 1) return self._keyboard_decoder.decode(byte, final=False)
[docs] def ungetch(self, text): """ Buffer input data to be discovered by next call to :meth:`~.inkey`. :arg str ucs: String to be buffered as keyboard input. """ self._keyboard_buf.extendleft(text)
[docs] def kbhit(self, timeout=None, **_kwargs): """ Return whether a keypress has been detected on the keyboard. This method is used by :meth:`inkey` to determine if a byte may be read using :meth:`getch` without blocking. The standard implementation simply uses the :func:`` call on stdin. :arg float timeout: When ``timeout`` is 0, this call is non-blocking, otherwise blocking indefinitely until keypress is detected when None (default). When ``timeout`` is a positive number, returns after ``timeout`` seconds have elapsed (float). :rtype: bool :returns: True if a keypress is awaiting to be read on the keyboard attached to this terminal. When input is not a terminal, False is always returned. """ if _kwargs.pop('_intr_continue', None) is not None: warnings.warn('keyword argument _intr_continue deprecated: ' 'beginning v1.9.6, behavior is as though such ' 'value is always True.') if _kwargs: raise TypeError('inkey() got unexpected keyword arguments {!r}' .format(_kwargs)) stime = time.time() ready_r = [None, ] check_r = [self._keyboard_fd] if self._keyboard_fd is not None else [] while HAS_TTY and True: try: ready_r, _, _ =, [], [], timeout) except InterruptedError: # Beginning with python3.5, IntrruptError is no longer thrown # # # For previous versions of python, we take special care to # retry select on InterruptedError exception, namely to handle # a custom SIGWINCH handler. When installed, it would cause # select() to be interrupted with errno 4 (EAGAIN). # # Just as in python3.5, it is ignored, and a new timeout value # is derived from the previous unless timeout becomes negative. # because the signal handler has blocked beyond timeout, then # False is returned. Otherwise, when timeout is None, we # continue to block indefinitely (default). if timeout is not None: # subtract time already elapsed, timeout -= time.time() - stime if timeout > 0: continue # no time remains after handling exception (rare) ready_r = [] # pragma: no cover break # pragma: no cover else: break return False if self._keyboard_fd is None else check_r == ready_r
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def cbreak(self): """ Allow each keystroke to be read immediately after it is pressed. This is a context manager for :func:`tty.setcbreak`. This context manager activates 'rare' mode, the opposite of 'cooked' mode: On entry, :func:`tty.setcbreak` mode is activated disabling line-buffering of keyboard input and turning off automatic echo of input as output. .. note:: You must explicitly print any user input you would like displayed. If you provide any kind of editing, you must handle backspace and other line-editing control functions in this mode as well! **Normally**, characters received from the keyboard cannot be read by Python until the *Return* key is pressed. Also known as *cooked* or *canonical input* mode, it allows the tty driver to provide line-editing before shuttling the input to your program and is the (implicit) default terminal mode set by most unix shells before executing programs. Technically, this context manager sets the :mod:`termios` attributes of the terminal attached to :obj:`sys.__stdin__`. .. note:: :func:`tty.setcbreak` sets ``VMIN = 1`` and ``VTIME = 0``, see """ if HAS_TTY and self._keyboard_fd is not None: # Save current terminal mode: save_mode = termios.tcgetattr(self._keyboard_fd) save_line_buffered = self._line_buffered tty.setcbreak(self._keyboard_fd, termios.TCSANOW) try: self._line_buffered = False yield finally: # Restore prior mode: termios.tcsetattr(self._keyboard_fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, save_mode) self._line_buffered = save_line_buffered else: yield
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def raw(self): r""" A context manager for :func:`tty.setraw`. Although both :meth:`break` and :meth:`raw` modes allow each keystroke to be read immediately after it is pressed, Raw mode disables processing of input and output. In cbreak mode, special input characters such as ``^C`` or ``^S`` are interpreted by the terminal driver and excluded from the stdin stream. In raw mode these values are receive by the :meth:`inkey` method. Because output processing is not done, the newline ``'\n'`` is not enough, you must also print carriage return to ensure that the cursor is returned to the first column:: with term.raw(): print("printing in raw mode", end="\r\n") """ if HAS_TTY and self._keyboard_fd is not None: # Save current terminal mode: save_mode = termios.tcgetattr(self._keyboard_fd) save_line_buffered = self._line_buffered tty.setraw(self._keyboard_fd, termios.TCSANOW) try: self._line_buffered = False yield finally: # Restore prior mode: termios.tcsetattr(self._keyboard_fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, save_mode) self._line_buffered = save_line_buffered else: yield
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def keypad(self): r""" Context manager that enables directional keypad input. On entrying, this puts the terminal into "keyboard_transmit" mode by emitting the keypad_xmit (smkx) capability. On exit, it emits keypad_local (rmkx). On an IBM-PC keyboard with numeric keypad of terminal-type *xterm*, with numlock off, the lower-left diagonal key transmits sequence ``\\x1b[F``, translated to :class:`~.Terminal` attribute ``KEY_END``. However, upon entering :meth:`keypad`, ``\\x1b[OF`` is transmitted, translating to ``KEY_LL`` (lower-left key), allowing you to determine diagonal direction keys. """ try: yield finally:
[docs] def inkey(self, timeout=None, esc_delay=0.35, **_kwargs): """ Read and return the next keyboard event within given timeout. Generally, this should be used inside the :meth:`raw` context manager. :arg float timeout: Number of seconds to wait for a keystroke before returning. When ``None`` (default), this method may block indefinitely. :arg float esc_delay: To distinguish between the keystroke of ``KEY_ESCAPE``, and sequences beginning with escape, the parameter ``esc_delay`` specifies the amount of time after receiving escape (``chr(27)``) to seek for the completion of an application key before returning a :class:`~.Keystroke` instance for ``KEY_ESCAPE``. :rtype: :class:`~.Keystroke`. :returns: :class:`~.Keystroke`, which may be empty (``u''``) if ``timeout`` is specified and keystroke is not received. :raises RuntimeError: When :attr:`stream` is not a terminal, having no keyboard attached, a ``timeout`` value of ``None`` would block indefinitely, prevented by by raising an exception. .. note:: When used without the context manager :meth:`cbreak`, or :meth:`raw`, :obj:`sys.__stdin__` remains line-buffered, and this function will block until the return key is pressed! """ if _kwargs.pop('_intr_continue', None) is not None: warnings.warn('keyword argument _intr_continue deprecated: ' 'beginning v1.9.6, behavior is as though such ' 'value is always True.') if _kwargs: raise TypeError('inkey() got unexpected keyword arguments {!r}' .format(_kwargs)) if timeout is None and self._keyboard_fd is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Terminal.inkey() called, but no terminal with keyboard ' 'attached to process. This call would hang forever.') resolve = functools.partial(resolve_sequence, mapper=self._keymap, codes=self._keycodes) stime = time.time() # re-buffer previously received keystrokes, ucs = u'' while self._keyboard_buf: ucs += self._keyboard_buf.pop() # receive all immediately available bytes while self.kbhit(timeout=0): ucs += self.getch() # decode keystroke, if any ks = resolve(text=ucs) # so long as the most immediately received or buffered keystroke is # incomplete, (which may be a multibyte encoding), block until until # one is received. while not ks and self.kbhit(timeout=_time_left(stime, timeout)): ucs += self.getch() ks = resolve(text=ucs) # handle escape key (KEY_ESCAPE) vs. escape sequence (like those # that begin with \x1b[ or \x1bO) up to esc_delay when # received. This is not optimal, but causes least delay when # "meta sends escape" is used, or when an unsupported sequence is # sent. # # The statement, "ucs in self._keymap_prefixes" has an effect on # keystrokes such as Alt + Z ("\x1b[z" with metaSendsEscape): because # no known input sequences begin with such phrasing to allow it to be # returned more quickly than esc_delay otherwise blocks for. if ks.code == self.KEY_ESCAPE: esctime = time.time() while (ks.code == self.KEY_ESCAPE and ucs in self._keymap_prefixes and self.kbhit(timeout=_time_left(esctime, esc_delay))): ucs += self.getch() ks = resolve(text=ucs) # buffer any remaining text received self.ungetch(ucs[len(ks):]) return ks
[docs]class WINSZ(collections.namedtuple('WINSZ', ( 'ws_row', 'ws_col', 'ws_xpixel', 'ws_ypixel'))): """ Structure represents return value of :const:`termios.TIOCGWINSZ`. .. py:attribute:: ws_row rows, in characters .. py:attribute:: ws_col columns, in characters .. py:attribute:: ws_xpixel horizontal size, pixels .. py:attribute:: ws_ypixel vertical size, pixels """ #: format of termios structure _FMT = 'hhhh' #: buffer of termios structure appropriate for ioctl argument _BUF = '\x00' * struct.calcsize(_FMT)
#: _CUR_TERM = None #: From libcurses/doc/ncurses-intro.html (ESR, Thomas Dickey, et. al):: #: #: "After the call to setupterm(), the global variable cur_term is set to #: point to the current structure of terminal capabilities. By calling #: setupterm() for each terminal, and saving and restoring cur_term, it #: is possible for a program to use two or more terminals at once." #: #: However, if you study Python's ``./Modules/_cursesmodule.c``, you'll find:: #: #: if (!initialised_setupterm && setupterm(termstr,fd,&err) == ERR) { #: #: Python - perhaps wrongly - will not allow for re-initialisation of new #: terminals through :func:`curses.setupterm`, so the value of cur_term cannot #: be changed once set: subsequent calls to :func:`curses.setupterm` have no #: effect. #: #: Therefore, the :attr:`Terminal.kind` of each :class:`Terminal` is #: essentially a singleton. This global variable reflects that, and a warning #: is emitted if somebody expects otherwise.